Virginia Laws and Tint Percentages Ashburn, VA
The current Virginia laws and tint percentage information was created in 1999. These regulations work to keep the streets safe by requiring certain light levels to enter each vehicle.
Virginia separates cars (sedans) from vans and SUVs for rules classification. Unlike other states, the latter vehicles have more leeway when having tint installed. What Are the Tint Darkness Rules for Sedans? Passenger cars are allowed to have non-reflective tint installed above the manufacturer’s AS-1 line or the top five inches, whichever measurement is the lesser. The front side windows are allowed to have a 50 VLT tint installed. That means it must allow more than 50% of the light in through the material. The rear and back side windows need to be 35 VLT or lighter. It is possible to obtain a medical exemption where the windshield can have a 35 VLT product installed on the top five inches or a 70 VLT on the entire windshield. The front side windows with the exemption can be up to 35 VLT. What Are the Tint Darkness Rules for Vans and SUVs? Vans and SUVs follow the same window tint rules with the exception of the back and rear windows. These areas can have any darkness used. If any windows are tinted in Virginia, dual side mirrors are required. You cannot have yellow, amber, or red window tints installed on your vehicle. A 7% tint variance is allowed, although enforcement is handled locally. Failing to follow the rules can result in a Class 3 misdemeanor for the first offense and Class 2 misdemeanors for subsequent issues. |